Light weight cricket bat for tennis ball: Weight, soft, hard tennis ball

Light weight cricket bat for tennis ball:

 While choosingtennis bats, we need to check its weight, grip, feel and balance. Considering these factors there are multiple options which are listed below:

Kashmir Willow Cricket Bat – These bats are more lightweight than normal English willow bats and therefore can be used for tennis balls since it is easier to gain control of these bats. It is made of woods of Kashmir willow tree. These are affordable and has durability to a good extent. They have an average performance level.

Light weight cricket bat for tennis ball
photo credit: cricket site

Prokick Domain Indian Willow Cricket Tennis Ball Bat –These are constructed from premium Indian willow and have good durability and strength. The incorporation of cross weave tape along the edges provides an additional layer of protection, ensuring longevity. Since it is lightweight it can be used as tennis bat.

Prokick Domain Indian Willow Cricket Tennis Ball Bat
photo credit: Prokick Domain Indian Willow Cricket Tennis Ball Bat

Upper blade hard tennis bat– This bat is also made from Kashmir willow and has a unique upper blade that helps the player to hit the ball faster. It has a full cane Singapore handle and therefore has a good grip.